About this Object:The Sunflower Galaxy (also known as Messier 63, M63, or NGC 5055) is a spiral galaxy in the constellation Canes Venatici consisting of a central disc surrounded by many short spiral arm segments. The Sunflower Galaxy is part of the M51 Group, a group of galaxies that also includes the Whirlpool Galaxy (M51). The Sunflower Galaxy is 37 million light years from Earth.
About this Photo:1st Picture with my CGEM 1100!
Date(s): April 28, 2011
Location: From my driveway in Georgetown, Texas
Telescope: Celestron C1100 @ F10
Mount: CGEM
Guiding: Orion StarShoot AutoGuider / Taurus Tracker III OAG
Camera: Canon 40D Modified
Filter: Astronomik CLS
Exposure: 15 x 600s + 17 x 300s @ ISO1600 (3 Hrs 55 Min total)
Acquisition: ImagesPlus 3.75 Camera Control
Processing: ImagesPlus 3.75 – Darks,Flats,Bias
Post-processing: Adobe Photoshop CS3; Gradient Exterminator; Noise Ninja; Noel Carboni's Tools; Annie’s Astro Actions
Temperature(s): 65º F